I just checked out your website and Facebook page after having bought my first bottle of Nature's Purest Curcumin and Bioperine this week. I have been suffering from hand and finger issues for about 7 months and had been taking NSAIDS (aka stomach trashers) on and off, wearing hand braces most days and every night, and suffering with constant pain in both hands - almost to the point of tears at times both with the pain and worries of this becoming more problematic and disabling. Routine things like pinning clothespins on the line, using my fingers to bury transplants at the greenhouse where I work, and many once easy jobs around my house and in our orchards had become difficult, if not impossible. In the past month, both my sister and a physical therapist friend mentioned that I should try curcumin. Frustrated after yet another visit to the MD last week, I visited a Nature's Purest dealer in Michigan. They recommended your brand of Curcumin and Bioperine and suggested I up the dosage to start and then taper back if appropriate. I believe it was Monday that I bought them and have taken 3 or 4 a day since then. It has been nothing short of astounding as I did not expect results so quickly. My hand pain has been noticeably and significantly reduced in that short time. I even forgot to wear the hand braces last night and I did not awake with the usual stiffness and pain in my fingers that has plagued me the past half year. I just thought I would take a moment to thank you for your product and share my story. The old Monkees tune, I'm a Believer, has been bopping through my head this morning and I am a happy lady. Thanks for a great product!
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